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Julie Diet box

Breath of fresh air dietician & founder of the Diet Box

Discover the world of Julie , a passionate dietitian 🍍 Her unique background , combining cooking, care and dietary expertise, allows her to bring a holistic and practical approach to her nutritional advice. Immerse yourself in his world, where the vocation to care combines harmoniously with a passion for food and health .

1. To begin, could you share with us some information about your journey as a dietitian and what motivated you to choose this profession?

I have been a dietician since October 2022 , I first worked with the elderly in continuation of my former work as a caregiver 💉in a company which delivers meals to these people's homes. At the same time, I exercised and I still exercise privately 👩‍⚕️ by video , mainly on weight loss . Very young, I knew that I wanted to work in care, helping others and caring is a vocation for me, so I was first on the front lines as a caregiver and by taking my independence I I found a real passion in food and cooking which guided me towards the profession of dietitian.

2. You are also the founder of La Diet Box where you mainly offer the BabyDiet Box: a box to support parents in diversifying their children's diet 🐣🍼

What motivated you to embark on this project?

What motivated me was the sentence from our doctor, she is not aware that I am a dietitian and yet she only told us “well, this month we are starting the meals: 250g of vegetables and 150g of fruits per day” . I looked at my partner and said “but nothing else? and how ? what chair? how many meals? believed ? cooked?” Even though I studied all this lightly during my BTS in dietetics, I still had lots of questions and above all, I wondered what other parents did who had no idea how to do things RIGHT and how to do the right things. choice 🤯 So I started looking for training 🎓 that I followed a few months ago and I decided to share it all in the form of a box or box so that it could be offered because I know that We receive a thousand and one gifts at birth 🎁 and even afterwards, useful gifts are even better!

3. What are the most common challenges parents face in feeding their children?

The challenge that I encounter the most with young parents is the fear of suffocation , with the “fashion” of DME (child-led dietary diversification), more and more parents want to practice it. but are scared to death that their child will suffocate. For older babies, there is also neophobia : the reluctance to taste new foods 🥴 This is quite common and parents are helpless regarding this situation.

4. If you had to give them 3 pieces of advice to help them in this adventure, what would they be?

My 3 tips to help them would be: 🥳 A good atmosphere , being relaxed and jovial in nature during meals, it's always a pleasure to share a meal in a good mood and baby will feel it, he will associate the meal with a moment of joy. 👀 Observation and evaluation , as parents, we are in the best position to know our child, there is a certain step to take when we see that baby needs it and that he is capable: hold the spoon himself, take a food on its own... We must encourage it to develop : the final goal being that it learns to eat normally on its own, let go, take the time and every little bit of baby's participation is important. 🤍 Learn first aid and find out about foods with a high risk of choking. There is training available from certain organizations such as the Red Cross and I talk about it in the BABYDIET Box set. Coming back to your consultations as a dietitian…

5. What are the main challenges your patients face when it comes to eating a healthy and balanced diet on a daily basis?

Letting go . Even today, many people associate a healthy and balanced meal with a notion of restriction ❌ and absence of food pleasure. And it’s a real challenge to break down prejudices!! Between 0% products, the excessive limitation of everything that may contain sugar and fat, the biggest job as a dietitian is to deconstruct all this ideology around food . Once this step is completed, there is the challenge of eating habits , in the same way I teach my patients to gauge by introducing them to food in a form that is often more raw 🥕🍳 than what they consumed before. In the current economic context , in general they even learn to save money 💸 by limiting the purchase of ultra-processed products!

6. What would be your recommendations to overcome these challenges?

To learn to let go 💭 for me the best solution is to be accompanied 🤝 but we can always advise to avoid believing in everything that is written on the internet and to go to qualified people (aka us, the dietician) 👩‍⚕️ And of course, I advocate raw foods : we must avoid buying ultra-processed products as much as possible and pay attention to the claims made on food products . It's marketing.

7. How do you approach the issue of weight management with your patients, and what are your recommendations for healthy, lasting weight loss?

We generally talk about weight at the first consultation simply in order to set achievable goals 🎯 Then, I no longer address the issue unless the patient talks to me about it themselves. This is not a parameter that I measure regularly . I prefer to stick to the patient's feelings about their body and their goals 😌 For healthy and lasting weight loss , I recommend undertaking something achievable in the long term : for life. So if you had decided to NEVER eat your chocolate again 🍫 even though you love it, it's not sustainable . And for it to be healthy, it must match you to the nearest millimeter.

8. What do you think of the maju 🥣 concept and the way in which it can influence dietary practices and the well-being of individuals?

The maju concept curbs the famous weighing of food and counting calories , it reassures some patients to count and be on target but it is far too restrictive . The maju bowl allows him to associate this reassuring notion of being on point simply, without asking any questions ☀️ The bowl encourages the nutritional balance of a meal with the different categories of foods to have available. And of course, the follow-up offered on the FOODBOL Club MAJU by Majucians is important and it is present as it should be. I like the notion of non-invasion that the club offers, it's more fun, less formal than a typical medical consultation, however it maintains follow-up by a health professional 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ and it maintains the good progress of a healthy dietary rebalancing 🔥

9. What is the most important nutritional advice you give to your patients to help them improve their health and well-being?

It really depends on the patient's situation... it varies greatly .

10. Beyond nutrition, what other aspects of lifestyle do you consider important to the overall health of your patients?

I encourage the practice of physical activity (not necessarily sporting) , I review with them the different activities of their daily life and often we come across a mundane activity that we will deepen and practice more often (gardening, walking ...👩‍🌾). I systematically remind you of the need to MOVE , not only for a question of weight but above all for a question of health ❤️ ! Then, for those who open up to me, I am happy to lend a listening ear and a hand on my heart for everyday problems 👂 some people feel lighter just by talking!

11. For readers who want to learn more about nutrition or contact you for advice, where can they find or contact you? 📞💬

You can contact me on Instagram : @_ju_dananas_ , by phone or by email : judananas.diet@gmail.com. I will then send you, if necessary, the link to my appointment booking page (which is already available on Instagram).