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Bol d'air Julie

Breath of fresh air Pink October

" The figures concerning the survival rates of cancer discovered early speak for themselves. A simple screening can change everything" In this month of Pink October , we show our support for the campaign by chatting with Julie (nurse) the importance of breast cancer screening.

1. To begin, could you share with us what inspired you to become a nurse?

I have always been attracted to the healthcare sector in general. This was confirmed during my nursing studies where I discovered with passion the incredible functioning of the human body. In addition, I saw my mother take care of her patients from a very young age; I sometimes accompanied her on her rounds as a private nurse. I think there is a form of transmission that played a role in my choice of profession. I have always had the visceral need to take care of others ❤️‍🩹 and this is what allows me to flourish 100% in my professional practice despite the difficulties it sometimes involves.

2. Pink October is a global event dedicated to breast cancer awareness. Can you tell us how it helps raise public awareness and encourage participation in screening?

Each year, from October 1 to 31, numerous actions are carried out at the national level with the aim of raising awareness of breast cancer, providing information on the importance of screening and also raising funds for research. against cancer. Everyone can participate. To do this, various and varied actions are carried out in many cities and towns such as the famous “pink marches”, running races, information forums, cultural events (concerts, plays, etc.) 🏃‍♀️ 🎟 There are online donation platforms and certain brands supporting the movement 💓 also offer limited editions of their products bearing the image of the event. A portion of sales is donated to research and this has the dual impact of raising awareness among a wider audience.

3. What activities or initiatives do you recommend for women to participate in this event?

Many actions are offered throughout the month which allows us to satisfy the various needs and expectations of each person. For those who are able to practice physical activity, I recommend pink walks and/or organized running races which on the one hand allow you to take care of yourself because we know all the benefits of maintaining physical activity on the immune system 🤸‍♀️and on the other hand, to meet people, to actively participate in the movement in a fun way.

4. Can you explain to our readers the importance of early detection of breast cancer and the benefits it offers in terms of treatment and survival?

The challenge of early detection is major. You should know that breast cancers discovered at an early stage 🔎 have a survival rate of 99% at 5 years after diagnosis compared to 27% if it is discovered at an advanced stage. In addition, if the cancer is discovered at an early stage, this significantly reduces the duration of treatment and convalescence. This should not be neglected when we know the invasive nature of certain treatment protocols. 💉

5. In 2021, only half (50.6%) of the women concerned participated in organized breast cancer screening. However, 1 in 8 women risk being affected. Can you tell us more about organized screening (age, process, cost, etc.)?

Every two years, from 50 to 74 years old, all women receive an invitation to screening sent by the Regional Cancer Screening Coordination Center. This screening consists of making an appointment at an approved radiology center near you, the list of which appears in the mail, in order to carry out a mammogram as well as a clinical examination (observation and palpation). This screening is completely free and 100% covered by health insurance. It is fundamental because it allows any possible anomalies to be quickly detected.

6. How often should women get screened?

It is recommended to perform screening every two years. ⏳

7. What signs and symptoms of breast cancer should you watch for and might warrant medical attention?

There are several: The presence of a mass in the breast, swollen lymph nodes in the armpit, spontaneous discharge from the nipple, a change in the appearance of the breast (orange peel) or nipple . As you will have understood, palpation of the breast region must be part of the daily actions to adopt for each of us. However, there are other factors common to all cancers such as prolonged fatigue or unexplained weight loss which should also lead you to consult.

8. Are there specific risk factors for breast cancer that women should be aware of?

Age, family/personal history and genetic predispositions, tobacco/alcohol consumption and being overweight are the major risk factors.

9. How can you encourage women to overcome their apprehensions or fears related to breast cancer screening, especially regarding mammography?

The figures for survival rates from early-detected cancer speak for themselves. A simple screening can change everything when the timing is right. I can understand the apprehension of some women regarding the examination which is often described as painful and also the psychological impact that this can have. It's actually a fight that I'm waging with my loved ones to get them to go there... The reality is that mammography is a minimally invasive test even if everyone's sensitivity differs from one woman to another. However, it must be kept in mind that the benefit/risk balance is in favor of the examination. It is better to take an unpleasant exam than to reduce your chances of being taken into care at the right time. Find out more: https://www.ligue-cancer.net/october-rose