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Nutrition during breastfeeding

Have you chosen to breastfeed your child? You probably have questions about your diet.

Is food restriction still relevant 🧀🍣?

After 9 months of depriving yourself of some of your favorite foods, it's normal to wonder if while breastfeeding these restrictions still apply or not. I have good news for you: many of the restrictions are no longer in effect! Your breast milk does not transmit bacteria, you can now consume:
  • unpasteurized dairy products: including cheese 😉
  • raw fish including sushi and smoked salmon 😉)
On the other hand, it is still a question of limiting:
  • consumption of a maximum of 2 cups per day of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or cola . Indeed, caffeine passes quickly into milk and will make your child nervous and irritable. You can replace these drinks with fruit herbal teas for example :)!
  • the consumption of energy drinks because they can be dangerous for your baby.
  • fish may contain too much mercury .
  • alcohol consumption: 1 glass of alcohol takes about 3 hours to be eliminated from milk but this depends on each person.
We advise you to eat when you are hungry and drink plenty of fluids because breastfeeding requires additional calories to produce milk and a breastfeeding woman also has significant water needs. Good hydration helps limit fatigue and promote concentration.

Are the preferred nutrients always the same?

Concerning the vitamin and mineral needs of a breastfeeding mother, it is a question of continuing to provide good intakes of vitamin B9, vitamin D, iron, calcium and iodine as when you are pregnant. Vitamin and mineral intake in general contributes to the good development of the child and provides the mother with all the energy necessary for breastfeeding. To guarantee the right nutrient intake during your breastfeeding, we advise you to use the maju bowl . It will allow you to compose balanced meals with a portion of proteins, starches and vegetables, at each meal.

When can I consider losing weight after pregnancy 🤰?

Did you know that the fat that coats your body during pregnancy also serves as storage for the production of breast milk? As a result, the energy that your body has stored during these 9 months will make it possible to offer your infant very rich milk, especially during the first feedings. This is a great advantage of breastfeeding since by feeding your child, you will burn calories ! In addition, breastfeeding requires energy, which will allow you to continue on this path of gradual weight loss. However, it must be taken into account that each woman is different. So if you're hesitant to breastfeed simply because you're eager to lose weight, know that studies have proven that women who breastfeed return to their normal weight more easily than those who don't breastfeed. [1; 2] It is important to let your body recover from pregnancy and thus wait 2 to 3 months before any weight loss process .

Maju dietary rebalancing after pregnancy

What is maju 🥣 food rebalancing?

maju advocates the simplification of dietary rebalancing , with its innovative bowl . The maju bowl has 3 compartments , distinguishing between proteins, starchy foods and vegetables. The bowl allows you to no longer count calories or weigh food, to eliminate the mental load and frustration linked to these techniques. The maju bowl allows you to rebalance your diet in a fun , simple way and with a free mind . You can choose to follow maju food rebalancing for a weight loss goal , or simply to improve your health .

Follow maju food rebalancing after pregnancy 🥣🤰

After pregnancy, whether you choose to breastfeed or not, it is important to let your body recover . In this sense, a good diet will allow you to live this period more peacefully . By using the maju bowl, you will provide the right amount of nutrients your body needs. Until the 3rd month after giving birth, we advise you to choose the objective "to improve my health" and not "to lose weight" . When you feel that your body is ready and when you have finished breastfeeding, you can redo your maju assessment in order to update your data and choose the "weight loss" objective . We also advise you to practice physical activity 2 to 3 times a week , with a gradual recovery, following the advice of your doctor. It will also help you lose those extra pounds and get back in shape! In any case, we advise you not to put pressure on yourself and to go at your own pace . For any questions before, during or after your pregnancy and/or breastfeeding, do not hesitate to ask them on t chat maju. maju dieticians-nutritionists will be delighted to help you! After breastfeeding, avoid restrictive diets and instead opt for the maju bowl solution to help you maintain a balanced diet and lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way .


[1] AbuSabha, R., and G. Greene. “Body Weight, Body Composition, and Energy Intake Changes in Breastfeeding Mothers.” Journal of Human Lactation: Official Journal of International Lactation Consultant Association 14, no. 2 (June 1998): 119-24. https://doi.org/10.1177/089033449801400211 .
[2] Lovelady, CA, KE Garner, KL Moreno, and JP Williams. “The Effect of Weight Loss in Overweight, Lactating Women on the Growth of Their Infants.” The New England Journal of Medicine 342, no. 7 (February 17, 2000): 449-53. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJM200002173420701 .