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objectif perte de poids les idees recues

Weight loss goal: preconceived ideas!

For a weight loss goal, we find everything and its opposite on the internet... some advise eliminating foods, others prohibit entire categories of foods, etc. Here we re-establish some truths.

What is healthy weight loss?

First of all, it is important to define what “ healthy weight loss ” is because for several years, multiple miracle diets have emerged. On the internet it is possible to read everything and its opposite about how to eat well. All of this tends to lead to frustration and a lot of failure for people who have done several diets. This thus promotes the vicious circle of the yoyo effect and poor self-esteem! Healthy weight loss can be defined as a gradual and sustainable reduction in body weight with the aim of reaching a weight considered optimal for health. To allow this weight loss, we must therefore expend more energy (more calories) than what we provide through our diet. We must therefore create what we call a calorie deficit . Healthy weight loss is above all measured and gradual weight loss. Healthy weight loss is characterized by a steady decrease in weight , usually between 0.5 and 1 kilogram per week. Excessively rapid weight loss can be dangerous to your health and can lead to nutritional deficiencies, loss of muscle mass and subsequent weight gain. Healthy weight loss also means maintaining a good nutritional balance . That is to say a good distribution of nutrients capable of providing all the energy necessary for your body. It is essential to consume foods rich in essential nutrients, including proteins, complex carbohydrates, good quality fats, vitamins and minerals. Drastic or restrictive diets are very often depleted of these nutrients and micro-nutrients, which can lead to long-term health problems. Healthy weight loss also means looking at things in the long term . You have to make profound changes in your habits and anchor these changes in daily life. It is therefore important not to view weight loss as a temporary goal, but rather as a long-term lifestyle change. This means continuing to eat healthily, staying active, and taking care of your health even after you reach your desired weight.

Misconception #1: To lose weight, you have to eliminate food groups!

Some diets recommend removing a category of food from your diet, whereas in a food rebalancing they are all present. Why should each food group have its place in the context of dietary rebalancing? Here we will decipher the roles of vegetables, starchy foods and then proteins, in order to assess their importance for healthy weight loss.

The role of vegetables in our diet

🥬🥕🍆 Vegetables are nuggets of vitamins and minerals and thus contribute to the proper functioning of our body and our general good health. They have a protective role on the body. Vegetables also have good fiber content, which gives you a stronger feeling of satiety, thus helping to avoid temporary cravings and bouts of fatigue. Each vegetable has a different vitamin and mineral composition, which is why it is important to vary your food sources as much as possible.

The role of starchy foods in our diet

🍞🍚🍜 Starchy foods are our body’s fuel! They provide energy that the body is able to use gradually, allowing it to function properly. Consuming it with each meal allows you to avoid temporary fatigue as well as cravings. Starchy foods are complex carbohydrates and are rich in fiber, increasing satiety and thus avoiding temporary fatigue or avoiding snacking.

The role of proteins in our diet

🥚🍗🐟 Proteins have a structural role in cells and muscles but they are also involved in digestion, in the immune response and in the transport of oxygen to the blood. If you don't want to consume animal proteins at every meal, it's very simple! All you have to do is opt for plant-based protein sources 🌱 such as legumes (red or white beans, green or coral lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans, etc.) or tofu, tempeh, seitan, etc.

Is each food group essential?

It is therefore essential to provide a portion of these 3 categories of food at each meal (lunch and dinner) in order to provide your body with all the nutrients essential for its proper functioning and to keep you in good health. It's all a question of balance ! For healthy weight loss, it is not a question of consuming one category of food in large quantities but rather the 3 categories in the quantities adapted to your profile and your objective. The maju bowl will allow you to consume the right quantities of food that meet your needs.

Misconception #2: To lose weight, you must avoid fats

There are different types of fats

First of all, it is important to distinguish the different types of fats. We then name 3 types of fatty acids: trans, saturated and unsaturated (some of which are called “essential”).
  1. Trans fatty acids can be of natural origin and therefore present in meat and dairy products, or come from technological processes, that is to say created in the laboratory for conservation and stabilization properties. It has been scientifically proven that the consumption of trans fatty acids of technological origin is associated with increased risks of cardiovascular diseases [1; 2]. It is for these reasons in particular that we advise you to avoid consuming ultra-processed products. Examples of foods: fried foods, pastries, pastries, prepared meals, industrial biscuits, sweet breakfast cereals, etc.
  2. Saturated fatty acids , consumed in reasonable quantities, are good for your health. On the other hand, an excess would contribute to a significant increase in LDL cholesterol (also called “bad” cholesterol), leading to risks of weight gain and cardiovascular diseases [3]. They should therefore be consumed reasonably. Examples of foods: fatty meats, full-fat dairy products, butter, coconut oil, etc.
  3. Finally, we call unsaturated fatty acids . They are divided into 2 categories: the essential ones which must be provided by food (Omega 3 and 6), and the non-essential ones which can be synthesized by our body (Omega 9). These are the fats to favor because they play a beneficial role for health: they are involved in the reduction of inflammation, in immunity, in the physiological function of cells, etc. [4; 5; 6]. However, it is important to provide more Omega 3 than Omega 6 in order to induce positive effects on health. Examples of foods: oilseeds, vegetable oil, avocado, fatty fish, etc.

Do you really need to cut out fat to lose weight?

As you will have understood, each type of fat has different effects, more or less beneficial for our health. Fats have long had a bad press because of the caloric intake they represent. In reality, as we have just seen, we see that they can be beneficial to our body. It is therefore important not to make generalizations and thus not to prohibit all fats because some are very interesting for our health. Even during weight loss, it is necessary to provide your body with good fats. It is therefore a question of choosing your fats carefully , rather than eliminating them.

Misconception #3: When I overindulge, I have to skip an entire meal to compensate 🍽️!

Is skipping a meal to compensate a good idea?

If you skip a meal, 2 mechanisms will take place:
  1. Disruption of the eating routine : You will probably have difficulty waiting for the next meal and this will lead to snacking with cravings for sugar and fat [7].
  2. Disruption of metabolic flexibility : Metabolic flexibility is our body's ability to switch fuels. As if our body was a hybrid car, which works with fats or with carbohydrates. Skipping meals regularly will lead to metabolic inflexibility, meaning your body will have difficulty switching from one fuel to another. What you need to remember is that the more meals you skip, the more you promote poor metabolism and therefore ineffective fat burning [8; 9].
If you have had an excess, you can reduce the quantity of food on your next meal, while maintaining the 3 food categories . This will compensate for the difference while not creating too great a restriction on the body.

It's important to have fun 🫶

If you have started a dietary rebalancing, it is essential to treat yourself from time to time, with a meal that does not necessarily fit 100% into the key points of your dietary rebalancing. This “gap” will allow you to avoid food frustrations , which can generate a lot of mental load. It will also allow you to keep your commitment over time, for optimal results over time. The idea is to treat yourself to little gourmet pleasures from time to time, while being reasonable with the quantities. This way, you will avoid frustration while remaining within your weight loss goal!

Received idea #4: When it comes to weight loss, there’s plenty of fruit and vegetables 🍎🥕!

We saw above that vegetables contain many minerals, many vitamins and are also rich in fiber, helping to keep your body in good health. But then for a weight loss approach, are vegetables to be consumed as much as you want? Vitamins and minerals are not the only components of vegetables, which have a caloric intake that should not be neglected. This is all the more the case for cooked vegetables, to which fat is added, for example. It is essential to be aware of this in order to understand that no food should be consumed as desired, because an excess of calories would be harmful to your weight loss objective. In food, everything is a question of balance . This is why, with the goal of weight loss, even vegetables should be consumed in reasonable quantities, while still being the majority on the plate. To successfully rebalance your diet by having the right intake of vegetables that meet your needs, I invite you to use the maju bowl .

Misconception #5: To lose weight, you need to switch to a gluten-free diet 🚫!

What is a gluten-free diet?

The gluten-free diet consists of eliminating all foods that contain gluten. It is therefore a question of removing certain cereals from your diet such as wheat, barley, rye and sometimes oats. It also involves removing from your diet products derived from gluten , which are found in pasta, bread, breadcrumbs, certain dairy products (exposed to cereals or yeast), in certain desserts made from of biscuits (ice creams, pies, etc.), in pastries and pastries, in everything that is breaded and in a crust (pizza, quiches, dumplings, etc.), as well as in certain beers and coolers. When adopting a gluten-free diet, it is therefore appropriate to replace foods containing gluten with gluten-free foods. You can thus replace:
  • 🌾 Cereals with gluten → By gluten-free cereals such as: corn, sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, millet, rice
  • 🍞 Biscuits, pasta, bread, breadcrumbs, etc. → By the same products made with different ingredients, which do not contain gluten. Example: corn pasta.
  • 🍕 Preparations such as pizza, quiches, etc. → By homemade preparation using gluten-free flour. Example: pizza dough made from rice and corn flour.
  • 🚫 For other foods → Rely on the “gluten-free” symbol written on the packaging

Why choose a gluten-free diet?

A gluten-free diet is offered to people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity . Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which gluten consumption damages the lining of the small intestine, while gluten sensitivity causes similar symptoms without damaging the intestinal lining. Gluten avoidance is therefore used for therapeutic purposes and should not be carried out for the sole objective of losing weight. It is important not to follow trends when it comes to your health . Consider consulting a specialist if you want to radically change your eating routine.

Does cutting out gluten really help you lose weight?

Some people who adopt a gluten-free diet may notice weight loss, but this is usually not attributable to eliminating gluten itself. The following factors can contribute to weight loss when adopting a gluten-free diet:
  1. Reduction of processed foods: Gluten-containing foods such as cereals, cookies, etc. are often high in calories and added sugars. When a person eliminates these foods from their diet, they are likely to consume fewer calories and as a result, they will lose weight.
  2. Increased consumption of naturally gluten-free foods: People adopting a gluten-free diet are often encouraged to favor raw foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, legumes and unprocessed dairy products. . These foods are generally higher in nutrients and fiber, which can contribute to greater feelings of fullness and better weight management.
  3. Awareness of the importance of eating well: Adopting a gluten-free diet may encourage some people to be more conscious of their diet and make healthier choices overall, which can lead to weightloss.
When adopting a gluten-free diet, it is essential to ensure that the diet remains balanced and nutritious , ensuring that you consume a variety of foods to get all the essential nutrients. It's important to note that not everyone will necessarily experience weight loss when following a gluten-free diet. Avoiding gluten in your diet must be taken seriously and accompanied by medical advice. It should in no case be implemented for the simple objective of weight loss.

Received idea n°6: To lose weight, you must favor “sugar-free” or “low-sugar” products

Sugar-free or low-fat products can be an interesting choice as part of a balanced diet.

  1. Reduced sugar intake: Sugar-free or low-fat products are formulated to contain less sugar than their traditional counterparts. This may be beneficial for people wanting to reduce their sugar intake, especially added sugars. Excessive sugar consumption can contribute to weight gain, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, the development of type 2 diabetes, and other health problems.
  2. Blood sugar control: Sugar-free or low-fat products can be an attractive option for people with diabetes or looking to control their blood sugar. These products are often formulated with artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes that do not significantly affect blood sugar levels.
However, it is essential to note that artificial sweeteners may impact each individual differently and may cause adverse effects in some people, such as digestive upset [10; 11]. It is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional to determine which options are best for your situation.

However, it is important to take several factors into account to assess their impact on health.

  1. Overall nutritional composition: It is important to take into account the overall nutritional composition of sugar-free or low-fat products. Although they may contain less sugar, they may be high in fat, salt, or calories to compensate for taste or texture. It is essential to read labels carefully and compare products to make informed choices.
  2. Effects on eating habits: Sugar-free or low-fat products can sometimes lead to dietary compensation. For example, if you consume a product low in sugar, you may be tempted to compensate by eating more or choosing otherwise less healthy foods.

Finally, to lose weight, what should you prioritize?

In summary, sugar-free or low-fat products can be beneficial as part of a balanced diet, but they should not be considered a miracle solution. It is preferable to favor a varied diet , including fresh and raw (unprocessed) foods, while using sugar-free or low-fat products in moderation according to your individual needs and preferences.

Misconception #7: To lose weight, you need to replace added sugar with sugary sweets

Use of sugars in dairy products

Sweets contain sweeteners, i.e. food additives that give a sweet taste. They can be interesting in the case of type 2 diabetes because they have a sweetening power and have no impact on blood sugar levels. On the other hand, most of them are synthetic products and numerous studies have found a correlation between the consumption of artificial sweeteners and certain cancers [12; 13]. It is therefore not recommended to consume synthetic sweeteners regularly. ➡️ Opt instead for natural sugars such as honey, agave or maple syrup or complete rapadura or muscovado sugar in reasonable quantities, to add a sweet taste to your dairy products. You can also include a few pieces of fresh fruit which will replace the sugar intake. The ideal is to consume your dairy products plain.

Use of sugars in drinks

If you need to sweeten your drinks...maybe you don't really like them! I therefore invite you to choose another drink that you will enjoy without sugar. ➡️ In order to reduce sugar in your daily life, maju guides you and shares many tips.

Finally, for a weight loss goal, what should you choose?

For a weight loss objective, it is therefore more a question of reducing your sugar consumption in general.

Misconception #8: To lose weight, you shouldn't snack

Establishing a healthy snack in the afternoon allows you to wait until dinner without cravings. A balanced snack at a fixed time will not disrupt the weight loss objective if the quantity and choice of its composition is well established. In addition, this healthy and balanced snack will help avoid snacking, which will tend to disrupt your efforts to lose weight. By following maju food rebalancing as Boliste Pro , you will have ideas for snack compositions with quantities adapted to your own needs.

To conclude, to lose weight…

1/ It is not a question of consuming one category of food in large quantities nor of eliminating another category of food, but rather of consuming the 3 categories (proteins, vegetables, starchy foods) in balanced portions.

2/ It is important not to make generalizations and thus not to prohibit all fats because some are very beneficial for your health. It is therefore rather a question of choosing these contributions carefully .

3/ If I overindulge, it is better to reduce the overall quantity of the next meal rather than eliminating it entirely.

4/ Fruits and vegetables should be consumed in reasonable quantities depending on your body's needs.

5/ It is not necessary to remove gluten from your diet. Avoiding gluten and the desire to lose weight are two things in their own right .

6/ “Sugar-free” products can be an alternative to reduce sugar consumption, but pay attention to the overall composition of the food in question.

7/ It is preferable to opt for natural sweetening products and to be reasonable with the quantity.

8/ It is preferable to have a healthy and balanced snack in the afternoon to avoid snacking at the end of the day and to be able to wait for dinner with peace of mind.

Weight loss without the hassle with maju!

To lose weight without any hassle, adopt the maju food rebalancing solution ! It is based on the recommendations of ANSES (national agency for food, environmental and occupational health safety) and public authorities . Using the maju bowl allows you to (re)learn how to eat healthily , without frustration. You eat the foods you like, without mental burden because there is no weighing or calorie calculation. The bowl is adapted to your needs , so you eat the quantities that suit you .


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[12] Debras, Charlotte, Eloi Chazelas, Bernard Srour, Nathalie Druesne-Pecollo, Younes Esseddik, Fabien Szabo de Edelenyi, Cédric Agaësse, et al. “Artificial Sweeteners and Cancer Risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé Population-Based Cohort Study”. PLoS Medicine 19, no 3 (March 2022): e1003950. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1003950 .
[13] Cara, Graziella. “Consumption of sweeteners may be associated with an increased risk of cancer.” Inserm press room (blog), March 24, 2022. https://presse.inserm.fr/la-consommation-dedulcorants-serait-associate-a-un-risk-accru-de-cancer/45022/ .